Nurse Practitioner Policies

Nurse Practitioner Policy on Accepting Clients

This policy ensures transparency and equitable access to care while maintaining the highest standards of practice.

  1. First-Come, First-Served Basis
    Clients are accepted based on a first-come, first-served approach, provided their needs fall within the Nurse Practitioner’s (NP) scope of practice and competence. Both episodic and chronic care clients are accepted, with a capped number of chronic care clients due to availability.
  2. Accessible and Ethical Care
    Clients will receive competent, ethical, and accessible care. Payment for services must be made in Canadian dollars.
  3. Non-Discrimination Policy
    No client will be refused care based on prohibited grounds of discrimination as outlined in the Ontario Human Rights Code.
  4. Refusal of Care
    The NP may refuse a client based on clinical competence, scope of practice, or a focused practice area. This decision will be made in good faith, with clear communication of the reasons and referrals to other practitioners where appropriate.
  5. Referrals for Specialized Care
    If a client’s healthcare needs exceed the NP’s clinical competence or scope of practice, those elements of care will be referred to another primary care practitioner to ensure comprehensive and appropriate care.

Privacy Policy

Privacy and Confidentiality
Your health information is handled with respect and protected to ensure your privacy. Access to your personal health information is limited to:

  1. Those who need to know,
  2. Those involved in your healthcare, and
  3. Those who have your explicit consent.

Authorized healthcare professionals may include Physicians, Specialists, Lactation Consultants, Nurse Practitioners, Registered Nurses, Social Workers, or Pharmacists. All collected personal health information is safeguarded to maintain privacy and confidentiality.

Electronic Health Records (EHR)

Health information is securely stored in electronic health records protected by passwords and firewalls. Access is restricted to healthcare professionals directly involved in your care, ensuring your information remains confidential.

Linking Policy

The Website may include links to third-party websites for your convenience. These links do not constitute an endorsement by the Owner of the third-party websites or their content.

Disclaimer on Third-Party Websites:
The Owner does not:
I. Operate or control the content of third-party websites linked to this Website.
II. Make any guarantees regarding the legality, accuracy, reliability, timeliness, or suitability of content on third-party websites.
III. Provide warranties regarding the merchantability, fitness for purpose, or uninterrupted functionality of third-party websites, nor guarantee that they are error-free or free from harmful components such as viruses.
Restrictions on Linking to the Website:
The Owner prohibits links to this Website from third-party sites that:
I. Contain unlawful, indecent, or inappropriate content, including material encouraging criminal conduct or civil liability.
II. Violate privacy, publicity, copyright, trademark, or other proprietary rights of others.

Owner’s Rights:
• The Owner reserves the right to refuse or prohibit any link to the Website at any time, for any reason, including if the linked content is deemed harmful or detrimental to the Owner’s integrity or activities.
• Upon request by the Owner, you agree to promptly remove any link to the Website.
This policy ensures that the Website remains associated with appropriate and lawful content, protecting its integrity and reputation.